Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition

Support Arlyn & Salud!

Sep 23 2019    Action Archive

ACTION DEADLINE: Sept. 26, 2019

This is one of several cases supported through #PAisReady. Through this project, community groups and legal service providers have been working together to combine the strengths of organizing and legal work to win individual cases and try out strategies that can be used to disrupt mass deportation and detention.

“Me and Salud have been together for 6 years, engaged for 5 and recently married in July of this year, instead of celebrating our honeymoon we have been fighting for his freedom. Salud was taken and has remained detained by ICE since December 3,2018 he was taken into custody over mistaken identity but even after explaining his innocence and the confusion as to the individual ICE was originally looking for he was still taken anyway.” Read more about this case and how you can donate.

Read more about PA is Ready!: