Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition

Navigator Training Module 6: Presentation and Training Skills (Pittsburgh)

Date: Jan 31 2019, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Location: Department of Human Services, 1 Smithfield St, Pittsburgh, PA

Module 6 will be conducted on the same day. Language interpretation available upon request. El módulo 6 se ofrecerá en Ingles. ¡La interpretación está disponible a pedido!

Navigator Training Module 6: Presentation and Training Skills

Module 6 focuses on learning the basic presentation and training skills that Navigators will need to effectively present information to others in their communities. This training is part of a series of six. Register here.

Navegantes Modulo 6: Habilidades para hacer presentaciones 

El Módulo 6 se enfoca en aprender las habilidades de capacitación que los Navegadores necesitarán para presentar información de manera efectiva a otras personas. Este taller es para de una serie de seis talleresRegistrarse aqui.