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Image by Lacey Reapsome

PIC Members


PIC is a coalition of organizations, bringing together community groups, social and legal service providers, mutual assistance organizations, unions, and faith communities to share knowledge, identify problems and work together to promote solutions.


Visit our membership page for more information about becoming a member.

PIC Member Organizations include:


ACLAMO Family Centers


African Communities Together

Alianzas de Phoenixville

Amigos Community Center

Aquinas Center

Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Refugees and Migrants


Asian Americans United

Bernardine Franciscan Sisters

Bhutanese Community Association of Pittsburgh (BCAP)

CAIR Pennsylvania

Cambodian Association of Greater Philadelphia

Casa de Gettysburg

Casa de la Cultura

Casa San Jose

Catholic Social Services - Philadelphia


Centro de Apoyo Comunitario

Church World Service - Lancaster

Coalition of African Communities (AFRICOM)

Community Justice Project

Community Legal Services

Compass Immigration Legal Services

Esperanza Immigration Legal Services

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Free Migration Project

Global Wordsmiths

Greater Reading Immigration Project (GRIP)

Grupo de Apoyo

H-CAN Immigration and Refugee group

Haitian Americans United for Change

Hello Neighbor


Immigrant Rights Action

Immigration Law and Justice of Delaware Valley

International Service Center

Japanese American Citizens League of Philadelphia


Justice at Work

La Puerta Abierta / The Open Door

Latino Community Center

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in PA

Make the Road PA

Movement of Immigrant Leaders in PA (MILPA)

Multicultural Community Family Services

Nationalities Service Center

New Sanctuary Movement of Philadelphia

Pennsylvania Immigrant Resource Center (PIRC)

Pittsburgh LCLAA

PRIME - Ecumenical Commitment to Refugees


Sisters of St. Joseph Welcome Center

United Neighborhood Center of NE PA

United Stateless



Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians

Welcoming the Stranger

Woori Center


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