Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition

PICC Member – Aquinas

In early 2013, parishioners of St. Thomas Catholic Community, neighbors, and partner agencies worked to repurpose the parish’s former convent to create a space for people to connect across boundaries of race, class, education, language, and geography. The result was Aquinas Center, which is now an independent 501c3 nonprofit, with a mission to: build unity in diversity, support learning, and inspire thoughtful action. Aquinas Center coordinates a range of programs for all ages, such as English language classes, legal services, youth leadership and employment, advocacy, food justice, mural making, afterschool support, participant action research, and much more for a large multilingual, intercultural community in South Philadelphia, PA. Aquinas Center has been a member of PICC for four years and appreciates being part of a statewide network that amplifies the call for just immigration policies. The regular action updates and annual convening help us mobilize our immigrant and refugee community as well as allies.